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Paul Sanders's Logbook
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Cessna C172N:
Date Type Ident Route Flight Day
Approaches Night Cross
Solo PIC Dual Complex High
08/12/01C172NN738QAMYF - MYF0.81        0.8  First lesson, preflight inspection, documents, checklists, s&l, climbs, turns, descents
08/17/01C172NN739ZVMYF - MYF1.31        1.3  S&L, climbs, turns, descents, turns to heading, altitude holding, MCA, speed changes, landing setup
09/04/01C172NN733XLMYF- MYF1.31  0.4     1.3  Emergency engine-out procedures, general engine out operations, steeps, MCA review, IR S&L, climbs,turns, descents
09/05/01C172NN739ZVMYF- RNM - MYF1.56        1.5  Traffic patterns, takeoff and landings, touch and go's
10/23/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.43        1.4  First lesson with Kimberly, slow flight, turns, landings, collision avoidance
11/01/01C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.24        1.2  Forward slip, emergency descent, crosswind landing, myf traffic pattern, collision avoidance
11/09/01C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.81  0.2     1.8  Power-off stalls, steep turns, turns around a point, emergency descent & engine failure, (IR) turns, climbs, descents
11/10/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF2.17  0.1     2.1  Touch & go's, forward slips, go-arounds, traffic pattern
11/13/01C172NN733UCMYF- SDM - MYF1.810        1.8  Touch and go's, go-arounds, radio communication
11/16/01C172NN733UCMYF- SDM - MYF2.17    0.1  1ST SOLO!!! Touch and go's, go-around
11/20/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF2.08  2nd solo - touch and go's, go-arounds, short field t/o
11/21/01C172NN4625GMYF- MYF1.38  3rd solo - touch and go's
12/02/01C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.78        1.7  short & soft field landing and take offs
12/06/01C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.71  0.2     1.7  Turns around a point, s-turns, sim inst steep turns, emergency descent
12/07/01C172NN4625GMYF- SDM - MYF1.47      1.41.4   Touch and go's, go-around
12/13/01C172NN733UCMYF- PSP - MYF2.32     2.3  2.3  Cross country planning, navigation, pilotage, dead reckoning
12/19/01C172NN733UCMYF- PSP - MYF2.42     2.4 2.4   First solo cross country!
01/08/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.76      1.71.7   Solo practice, did go-arounds, short and soft-field t/o and landings, forward slips
01/17/02C172NN733UCMYF- IPL - L08 - MYF2.83     2.8 2.8   Long solo cross-country, flight following, flight plans, uncontrolled airports
01/19/02C172NN4625GMYF- MYF1.5 8   1.5   1.5  Intro to night
01/20/02C172NN733UCMYF- SNA - MYF2.1 2   2.12.1  2.1  Night cross country
01/24/02C172NN733UCMYF- L18 - MYF1.63  0.5     1.6  Checkride prep, forward slip
01/30/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.83  0.8     1.8  Checkride prep
02/01/02C172NN733UCMYF- SEE - MYF1.66        1.6  Checkride prep
02/03/02C172NN733UCMYF- MYF0.91      0.90.9   Solo checkride practice, genuine ATC go-around
02/05/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - L18 - MYF2.36  0.8     2.3  Checkride prep
02/07/02C172NN4625GMYF- RNM - MYF1.72       1.7   PA-SEL PRACTICAL TEST PASSED!!!!
02/19/02C172NN733UCMYF- RNM - MYF1.631   0.7  1.6   Touch and go's at Ramona at dusk, over to Carlsbad and back in the dark
03/19/02C172NN733UCMYF- MYF0.91       0.9   San Diego Bay low level transition route north, safety pilot for Kimberly
03/23/02C172NN733UCMYF- MYF1.11       1.1   First passenger! Took off from Rwy23 in low clouds, went over Brown, was denied the transition, got a class D transition over Brown to get back to MYF
04/20/02C172NN733UCMYF- L26 - MYF3.22     3.2 3.2   First $100 hamburger, nice high desert resort at Hesperia
05/03/02C172NN733UCMYF- L77 - MYF2.62     2.6 2.6   Took Adrian to Chiriaco Summit, full of babes! Nice restaurant
06/11/02C172NN733UCMYF- HMT - MYF2.02     2.0 2.0   Short trip with Adrian, did a nice forward slip but bounced the landing
06/20/02C172NN733UCMYF- BWC1.31   First flight to Brawley, strong crosswind on landing, did a good pattern, landed slightly off line
06/21/02C172NN733UCBWC- IFP1.91     1.9 1.9   Gorgeous view over Colorado River, very easy flight for my first weekend trip; Laughlin is a nice destination
06/22/02C172NN733UCIFP- BWC2.31     2.3 2.3   Followed river all the way south, used my new GPS to thread through the R-zones, very scenic flight
06/22/02C172NN733UCBWC- MYF1.21   Terrible landing in fine conditions
07/02/02C172NN4625GMYF- MYF1.41       1.4   Sight-seeing trip with Tracy, almost to Hemet and back via the coast and over ramona
08/23/02C172NN733UCMYF-RAL-MYF2.22   3 mi viz in the LA basin, very hard to find the airport or the way back to MYF. I'll avoid that in future. Hurrah for my GPS! Calm and pleasant flight
08/28/02C172NN733UCMYF-PSP-MYF2.82     2.8 2.8   Cassie was new passenger. Nasty turbulence in the Banning Pass, especially on climb out (no power in the heat!). Another awful approach to 28L at MYF.
08/30/02C172NN733UCMYF-AVX-MYF2.32     2.3 2.3   First flight to Catalina! Wow, awesome scenery, scary looking approach but greased the landing (5knot wind). Beautiful place, and great buffalo burgers.
09/13/02C172NN733UCMYF-IPL-MYF2.42     2.4 2.4   Lunch with Teri. Pretty turbulent over the hill, not much fun. Two great landings, though, looks like I've overcome that mental hurdle.
09/25/02C172NN4625GMYF- VGT2.41     2.4 2.4   Vegas baby, yeah!! Class B transition over McCarron, great views of the strip just before dusk. Took Bob and had a blast.
09/27/02C172NN4625GVGT- MYF3.61     3.6 3.6   Class B transition around LAS this time, pretty bumpy all the way back with a strong headwind
11/12/02C172NN733UCMYF- SBA2.41   Flight with Brian Gunn, first LAX transition, perfect clear day 100 miles vis, great flying until another poor xwind landing
11/19/02C172NN4625GMYF-F70-MYF1.82  1.4    1.81.8  Intro to IFR, Equipment, Systems, Attitude instrument flying, climbs, turns, s&l, constant airspeed descents and climbs
12/02/02C172NN4625GMYF-MYF1.7 1 1.4 0.1  1.71.7  Climbs, turns, descents
12/03/02C172NN4625GMYF-MYF1.51  1.3    1.51.5  Partial panel, timed and compass turns
12/03/02C172NN733UCMYF-MYF1.9 1 1.710.2  1.91.9  Partial panel, headings, intro to holds
12/04/02C172NN4625GMYF-SNA-MYF2.82  2.42 2.8 2.82.8  Headings and altitudes, clearance procedures
12/09/02C172NN4625GMYF-HMT-MYF2.12  1.92 2.1 2.12.1  Turns, headings, steep turns, alt
12/09/02C172NN4625GMYF-MYF0.5 1 0.410.5  0.50.5  Clearances, radio skills
12/10/02C172NN4625GMYF-CRQ-SDM-MYF2.9210.12.130.4  2.92.9  ILS, VOR, Radio, IFR departures
12/11/02C172NN4625GMYF-SDM-SEE-CRQ-MYF2.83  2.550.3  2.82.8  DME Arcs, holds, steep turns, LOC, ILS
01/13/03C172NN2219EMYF-MYF-SDM-MYF2.83  2.55   2.82.8  Tracking radials, VOR@OKB, ILS@MYF, VOR@SDM, DME arc, steep turns, LOC@SEE, ILS@MYF
01/14/03C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.41  1.21   1.41.4  Timed turns, compass turns, steep turns, unusual attitudes, ILS
01/14/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.52 0.11.33   1.51.5  Partial panel VOR@SDM, DME arc, holds, LOC@SEE, ILS@MYF
01/15/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.42  1.23   1.41.4  "the checkride route": Partial panel VOR@SDM, DME arc, holds, LOC@SEE, ILS@MYF
01/15/03C172NN2219EMYF-SNA-MYF2.32  2.12 2.3 2.32.3  Cross country procedures, clearance delivery
01/22/03C172NN2219EMYF-CMA-FUL-MYF3.82 0.13.43 3.8 3.83.8  IFR Long X-Ctry, VOR@CMS, LOC@FUL, ILS@MYF. Superbowl week meant we needed IFR slot reservations to get in and our of MYF
01/23/03C172NN2219EMYF-HMT-MYF1.92  1.61 1.9 1.91.9  Steep turns, timed turns, compass turns, unusual attitudes, partial panel.
01/28/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.42  1.23   1.41.4  The checkride route; VOR, Partial Panel, DME Arc, Holds
01/28/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.72  1.53   1.71.7  The checkride route; Partial Panel, DME Arc, Unusual Attitudes, Steep turrns. I'm ready for the checkride!
01/29/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.42  1.23   1.41.4  Checkride route again, totally nailed it. Partial panel, DME arc, circle to land (8L at Brown!), Steep turns, LOC, ILS
01/29/03C172NN2219EMYF-CRQ-SEE-MYF1.52 0.11.33   1.51.5  Radio skills, ILS@CRQ, LOC@SEE, ILS@MYF
01/30/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.42  1.22   1.41.4  Checkride prep; the VOR into SDM was unavailable so we were given a visual approach - awesome flight over San Diego bay, Pt Loma etc. I'm ready for the checkride.
02/04/03C172NN2219EMYF-SDM-MYF1.9 2 1.731.9  1.91.9  Last flight before the checkride; the usual circuit
02/05/03C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.41  1.23   1.4   INSTRUMENT CHECKRIDE PASSED!!
03/25/03C172NN2219EMYF-HMT2.01  0.61 2.0 2.9   Went with Farley to figure out how to do NDB approaches. NDB@HMT, Safety Pilot was Farley Stewart.
04/23/03C172NN733UCMYF-SNA-MYF2.12 0.1 2   First solo IFR flight and first IMC (though not much). ILS@SNA, ILS@MYF
04/24/03C172NN733UCMYF-TOA-MYF2.62   IFR to Torrance, clear skies en route but very bumpy on both short finals. ILS@TOA, ILS@MYF
05/06/03C172NN733UCMYF-SDM-MYF1.32 1.0 1  1.31.3   First all IMC flight, took 1hr to get to Brown (only .3 to get back)! VOR@SDM, ILS@MYF->R23
05/07/03C172NN733UCMYF-OXR-MYF3.72 3.0 1   2 hrs of total IMC back to MYF, rain and low vis, exhausting but fun, ILS@OXR, ILS@MYF to mins for R23
06/10/03C172NN733UCMYF-SNA-MYF2.02 0.3   IFR to my 'favourite' airport. A little in and out of the clouds. ILS@SNA, ILS@MYF
06/11/03C172NN733UCMYF-SMO-MYF3.02 0.3   IFR, mostly on top, a little in the clouds. Had lunch at the Spitfire Grill. VOR@SMO, ILS@MYF
06/30/03C172NN733UCMYF-MYF0.3       0.30.3   Diagnosed faulty instruments on taxi and did not fly. Turned out to be an error and plane was flight worthy.
06/30/03C172NN733UCMYF-AVX-MYF2.62   VFR on top of pretty fluffy clouds over the ocean
07/01/03C172NN733UCMYF-OXR-MYF4.02   VFR to Paso Robles but got desperate for the loo and had to land at Oxnard! IFR back for practice. ILS@MYF in clear conditions
07/21/03C172NN733UCMYF-PRB-MYF5.2      5.2 5.2   Safety Pilot for David Cook. Nice airport, no restaurant though (yet)
07/22/03C172NN733UCMYF-SMX-MYF4.8      4.8 4.8   Safety Pilot for David Cook. Great airport, good food and hotel.
07/24/03C172NN733UCMYF-SBP-MYF5.2      5.2 5.2   Safety Pilot for David Cook. Another good destination and more good eats.
08/07/03C172NN733UCMYF-AVX-F70-RMN-MYF3.87   Buffalo burger for lunch and some practice pattern work, even did a soft-field t/o
08/18/03C172NN733UCMYF-ONT-MYF2.52   IFR to Ontario, ILS@26L, VFR back
08/19/03C172NN733UCMYF-SMX-MYF5.22 0.1   5.2 5.2   IFR to VFR-on-top, hollywood route. Took shoreline back over Malibu beach and through the special flight rules for the first time
08/21/03C172NN733UCMYF-CMA-MYF3.42 0.1   IFR in mostly VFR conditions, few clouds at 1500 at CMA.
09/02/03C172NN733UCMYF-KFUL-KF70-KMYF3.03   Lunch at Fullerton. Had to divert to French Valley due to thunder and lightning over San Diego on return home
09/03/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KHMT-KMYF2.86   Flight Maneuvers Practice, slow flight, steep turns, turns around a point. Chickened out of stalls.
09/04/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KSBA-KMYF4.12     4.1 4.1   First time using the shoreline route to cross LAX
09/16/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KHMT-KF70-KMYF2.75   Pleasant afternoon flying
09/17/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KL70-KMYF3.32   Nice little airport in a valley
09/19/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KSMX-KMYF4.92   Very hazy day in the LA basin, nice light winds on the ground
10/15/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KHMT-KF70-KRNM-KMYF2.97   Just flying around after waiting for a flat tyre to be fixed
11/20/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KOXR-KMYF3.8110.3   ILS@OXR and ILS at night @MYF, both in VFR conditions. Got some night flying done!
11/20/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KMYF0.6 2   0.6  0.6   Two stop and goes for night currency. Yea, night current again!
12/04/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KHMT-KF70-KRMN-KMYF2.49   Very hazy day, 4mi viz
12/13/03C172NN733UCKMYF-KSBP-KMYF5.52     5.5 5.5   Lunch with Teri in San Luis Obispo, winds were 20kts on landing. Messed up the pattern at MYF, was heading to Miramar - oops.
12/16/03C172NN733UCKMYF-SNA-MYF2.12   IFR in VMC, 3 mi viz at MYF on the way out
03/03/04C172NN733UCMYF-FCH-F70-MYF6.43   Long xc for commercial rating. Presidential TFR over LA and lots of turbulence.
03/04/04C172NN733UCMYF-MYF1.8 6   1.8 1.81.8   Night currency and some night work for the commercial rating pre-reqs
03/24/04C172NN733UCMYF-MYF1.81 0.1 1  1.81.8   Just flying around for the hell of it. Very hazy, 4-5 mi viz. First ever pop-up request. ILS 28R@MYF
04/07/04C172NN733UCMYF-MYF1.0 4   1.0 1.01.0   Take offs and landings for COM rating
09/27/04C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.4 4   1.2 1.41.4   Stop and goes at MYF for currency, plus a little bit of flying around
09/28/04C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.51 0.31.12   1.51.5  Holds@OCN w/app to OKB and missed a/p, partial panel en route to MYF - ILS a/p
10/07/04C172NN733UCMYF-MYF0.71  0.71   0.7   ILS 28R@MYF, Final IFR currency flight. Safety Pilot David Cook
02/23/05C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.1 3   1.1 1.11.1   Night currency and COM pre-requesite solo night flight contribution
02/24/05C172NN4922DMYF-MYF0.9     0.9  0.9   Safety Pilot for Serge Boyer
03/31/05C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.2     1.2  1.2   Safety Pilot for Serge Boyer
07/12/05C172NN4975FMYF-SEE-MYF1.54  0.1    1.51.5  Annual Review Part 1. Steep turns, slow flight, power off stalls, power on stalls, unusual atitides, emergencies, touch and go's
07/18/05C172NN4975FMYF-MYF0.96       0.90.9  Completion of flight review, soft field t/o landings, short field t/o landings, sim engine out
08/16/05C172NN4922DMYF-MYF0.7        0.7   Safety Pilot for Serge Boyer
09/02/05C172NN4975FMYF-MYF0.61 0.4 2  0.60.6   Took advantage of an early morning overcast for some IMC flying, VOR@SDM, ILS@MYF
09/05/05C172NN4975FMYF-SMO-MYF2.62     2.6 2.6   Lunch with Teri. IFR to SMO, VFR back, over northen LA and then the coastal route
11/01/05C172NN4922DMYF-SDM-SEE-MYF1.2 1 1.031.2  1.2   VOR@SDM, LOC@SEE, ILS@MYF Safety Pilot: Serge Boyer
12/05/05C172NN4975FMYF-MYF0.7 3   0.7 0.70.7   PIC and night currency
12/13/05C172NN4975FMYF-IFP2.2 1   0.52.2 2.2   Took Mark to Laughlin for a night
12/14/05C172NN4975FIFP-MYF2.01     2.0 2.0   Return trip from Laughlin
03/08/06C172NN4975FMYF-MYF0.73      0.70.7   Required flying to regain PIC currency, runway 28R and 23, very busy
03/08/06C172NN4975FMYF-MYF0.6     0.6  0.6   Safety Pilot for Serge Boyer on the south circuit
05/24/06C172NN2219EMYF-MYF1.2        1.2   Safety pilot for Serge Boyer, North Circuit
07/12/06C172NN6360DMYF-RNM-MYF1.96  0.1    1.91.9  Flight Review Completed.
09/27/06C172NN4922DMYF-MYF1.1 1 0.930.7  1.1   Simulated instrument - VOR@SDM, LOC@SEE, ILS@MYF. Safety Pilot - Serge Boyer
11/16/06C172NN2219EMYF-F70-MYF1.9 4   1.1 1.91.9   $100 Hamburger and Currency Flight. Night landings, one go-around.
06/27/07C172NN2219EMYF-F70-MYF2.323   0.7  2.3   Not too bad considering the long break, did some touch and goes, and then stop, taxi backs for night currency
09/26/07C172NN2219EMYF-SEE-MYF1.221 0.1 0.2  1.21.2  Flight review, steep turns and slow flight, stalls power on and off, simulated engine failure, unusual attitudes under the hood
03/18/08C172NN2726EMYF-IPL-BWC-MYF3.031   Back up in the air flight after illness etc.
08/20/08C172NN2726EMYF-SDM-MYF2.461   0.2 2.42.4   Power off stalls, steep turns, spirals, soft- and short- field landings. ILS@MYF in VFR night conditions
09/23/08C172NN2726EMYF-SDM-MYF1.65      1.61.6   COM practice
01/13/09C172NN4922DMYF-MYF1.54  0.1    1.51.5  Miramar transition, steep turns, slow flight, approach and departure stalls, simulated instrument climbs descents turns, simulated emergency, landings, short field and soft field landings
01/14/09C172NN4922DMYF-MYF1.61  1.43   1.61.6  Holds at OCN, VOR at OKB, missed approach, ILS@CRQ missed approach, partial panel en-route, ILS@MYF
09/22/09C172NN4975FMYF-RNM-MYF1.44  0.1    1.41.4  Flight Review - steep turns, slow flight, stalls, hood work, soft and short field t/o and landings, emergency landing, no flap landing, crosswind landings - 40degs at 15kts
SoloPICDualComplexHigh PerformanceRemarks
130 1 10 63 271.9 298 53 6.4 46.9 72 22.9 160.9 96.3 239.2 87.5      
176 12 27 75 342.8 409 57 7.2 59.9 123 26.5 181.6 105.8 301.1 138.3 32.1 4.2  

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